Past Symposia

Symposium 2020 — Wasted: The Global Effects of Plastic Waste in a Consumer Society

We are excited to announce our joint Law Review and International Law Journal symposium on the environmental impacts of single-use plastic waste and the current and potential regulations which aim to both solve and curb the harmful effects of this waste.

Our speakers from all over the globe have identified potential issues involved in these regulations and have critically looked at their long-term effects. They discuss their unique approaches to better understand and address these issues both domestically and abroad, inciting people everywhere to place this rising crisis at the forefront of policymaking, technology, and the global market.

Symposium 2019 — Border Myths

When it comes to immigration policies at the United States borders, many myths permeate the national discourse: myths about who is coming to the United States and how they cross; what makes migration legal or illegal; the impact of migrants on the United States and the communities they join; the rights and responsibilities of migrants and the states receiving them; and the legal responsibilities of the United States to migrants and the larger international community. The symposium will identify the myths, critically look at the historical context and long-term effects, and propose novel approaches to understanding and addressing these issues at the federal, state, and local levels. Our hope is to elicit a diverse array of articles written by academics, legal practitioners, community activists, and organizational leaders.


Intro and Keynote Speaker

Border Myths Symposium - Panel 1

Border Myths Symposium - Panel 2

Border Myths Symposium - Panel 3